An evening in tribute to the renaissance of Notre-Dame de Paris at the Cour Pétral
A conference entitled ‘Notre-Dame de Paris, the wonders of the sacred’ was held at the Cour Pétral. A large number of people came to listen to the two speakers who were presenting for the second time after the success of the first edition last October.
Fernand Schwarz, founder of Nouvelle Acropole in France, spoke about the tremendous historical epic that gave birth to Notre-Dame Cathedral in the heart of Paris.
Philippe Giraud, president of the association Les Ateliers d’Héphaïstos (The Hephaïstos Workshops), works as a sculptor at Notre-Dame de Paris, and has witnessed at first hand how the work is progressing towards the opening to the public next December. Armed with his working tools, such as rulers and compasses, he showed the geometric contours of the cathedral on a large board.
The public paid close attention to the two speakers who complemented each other, and could appreciate the talent of these past and present craftsmen and their knowledge of numbers, geometry and architecture. Thanks to these three divine sciences, these craftsmen were able to create masterpieces as marvellous as cathedrals.
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